What I learnt from my day at the One Tech World conference

Genny Allcroft
9 min readApr 27, 2023

Today I have the privilege of attending One Tech World, a virtual conference run by We Are Tech Women for women in technology. So that I made sure I paid lots of attention and to make the learnings stick, I thought I would write an article on the interesting things I learnt.

2023 Tech Predictions

The first session of the day was a very good talk by the Technology Business editor at The Times, which went through what we can expect from technology in 2023.

We saw technology really boom during the pandemic (e.g. the popularity of Peleton and Zoom really went through the roof) but now the party is over. Tech companies are finding it harder to get funding amd there is an expectation that tech companies will be able to “balance the books”. Big tech companies are cutting costs and laying people off — they are no longer invincible as they once seemed. 2023 seems to be the year of economic downturn and increased regulation for tech companies.

Elon Musk made lots of job cuts at Twitter

AI seems to be the big thing this year what with Chat GPT making it mainstream and putting it in the public domain for the first time.

